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HI: 24 THE SALT' LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1913. -Pi - :I Padditional sporting newsH BASEBALL LANGUAGEI IS PECULIAR L10fl Game Is Described in TermsHI Best Suited to Express-HI ing Thought.HH Baseball has its own language. Baso-HI ball experts, tho world over, have uHI "lingo" which often confuses a lny-HH man. Theso denizens of iho press box,HI the boys behind the screen, must needs"mis 'em upJ in getting before friendHH reader all the potent facts of yeetcr-H day 's contest. They bring into use cor-M Pnrass peculiar to the game inHj describing technically what happenedHQ on the greens.Hj Most of the red-blooded Tootera areHH Jerry to these phrases; others are sadlyHI at sea and seem to think the writoTSHI arc inflicting on them a cross betweenHfll Esperanto and Eskimo, which ia notHI the whole truth by several parasangs.Hll Just by way of setting the real factsHhI beforo'tboso baseball enthusiasts wholH find themselves mired while battlingHll with the vernacular a few commonplaceHJH terms that is commonplace among thoHJI plaj'era arc herewith apponded, withHjN sj'nonyms used by writers" who growHJli weary of using the time-honorod,HJU straightaway king's English.HJff Inning A round, period, Beadon,Hffj canto, frame, chapter.HJI Ball A pill, globule, horcehido,H II leather, spheroid, agate.n To hit tho ball Swat, clout, crown,HJli slam, wallop, drive, bang, knock,Hll thump, whack, larrup, pole, pool-off.119 Curvo the ball Hook, bend, slant,U sink, a twister, roundhouse.njM Underhand raise Business of deliv-n ering tho ball to batter by using aHj motion while arm is oporating at thofll pitcher's side.M Underhand Taiao ball Anothor moth-BK od of delivering the ball, starting thola swing of" the pitching arm in tho vicin-II ltv of the knee.If "Overhand pitching Tho act of start-11 ing the -delivery from a point aboveIf Spitball Elmor Strickland originatedxw this mode of twirling, by salivating thoI ball beforo pitching. Either sido-armWm or overhand mothod may bo used. Whenffig pitched properly tho ball takes peculiarMS and baffling jumps approaching thoH Knuckler Somo pitchers, notablyjMi Eddio Summers, Lew Kitchie and Eddiejjffl Cicotte, have achieved l'amo by twirl-l ing this sort of ball. Tho knucklesfiji of tho pitching hand aro used in grasp-is ing tho ball beforo delivery, and a be-t wildering curve of tho slow,- floatingype folJows. 'lj f Hook or fadeaway slide Base steal-1ore thoroughly schooled in the art ofrunning buses adopt this style. In approachmg tho base they aspiro to steal itho runners leap to one side, momentarily disconcerting the playor aboutto stab him with tho ball, and in falling, thrust one foot in hook manner toI one or tho other side of tho base.I To win To cop, frisk, grab, annex,I compile, register, nail, bag, land, saltD away, put on -ice, sting or maul who-K ever happens to bo the losing party.I To lose To tumble, skid. slip, take aH wallopiug. a drubbing, to bo man-I handled,' trampled, whaled, scuttlod,nosed out. sent to the cleaners, countodI out or laid on the cooling board.I Pep Displaying fiphtimr spirit, zest,1 determination." renewed life, to lceopI up an incessant firo of talk while onI Pitching box Rifle pit, firing line,B peak. slab, hill, knoll, knob, turret, rub-i ber or crest.I Any base Sack, corner, hassock, sta- 'tion, "precinct, or, in referring to eoc-H ond base, one might say tho half-wayI"U" FRESHMEN WINFROM GRANTSVILLESpecial to The Tribune.GRANTSVILLE. Dec. C The greatUnlversltv of Utah freshmen basketballfive defeated the Grantsvllle high schoolteam here this afternoon on tho highschool gymnasium floor, by tho score of59 to 11. The game was one-sided, asthe local boys could Jo nothing with theThe freshmen team sprang a great surprise by their good work. The local fiveexpected to whi this game, as they arean exceptionally strong five. Tho Utahforwards made several long shots fromtho middle of the floor. At the end oftho first half the score stood So to o Inthe freshmen's favor.The stars for the freshmen were VanPelt, Peterson and Simmons. On a tossuo near the Utah basket Parkinson hitUse hall Into the basket. Anderson andSolborg played well for tho locals.Last night the high school studentsheld a dance on the gymnasium floor inhonor of the vlBltors, This dance wasthe biggest yet held at the high school.The students are preparing to entertainin like manner every team that playshere. The lineup:Freshmen. Grantsvllle.Simmons If.. .. P. AndersonParkinson, Hammond. rf RydalchW, Johnson,Van Pelt c Solberg..Davis. Homnoy lg OlesenPeterson. ,...rg.. ..A. AndersonReferee Udy. Umpire Pratt.I MONROE FIVE BEATENBY RICHFIELD HIGHSpecial to The Tribune.P.ICHFIELD, Dec 6. The Richfieldhigh school basketball team defeated theMonroe high school, 27 to 1C. In the firstgame of the season. The game was fastand exciting. The local boys provedLetter at basket shooting.The lineup;Richfield. Monro.Ogllvle If AndersonMorrison rf. .Swain. MagelbyErlckson c B. BrownSP"1? rg M. Browncboker g LarsonField goals Ogllvie 3. Morrison 3.Erlckson 1, Nebcker 1, Foutz l. B. Brown1. M. Brown 1, Larson 1.Free throws Ogilvle, 9 out of IS BBrown, 8 out of 17.Referee Peterson. Umplro BeanI LLOYD THOMAS WINSSECOND IN FIVE-MILENEW YORK. Dec. 6 Lloyd Thomas ofSalt Lake City won second and PercyLawrence, Ean Francisco, fourth, In afive-mile professional bicycle race heretonight. The event was preliminary to aKlx-day event which starts at midnightSunday. Frank Kramer won thu sprintraceH. a part of the evening's programme.KEAB JUDGE RUTHEEFORD.TabprimHo Sunday, .'J o'clock. Free.HM ' (AdertIcmcni.JSheppard toLead Men inAthens MeetMEL SHEPPABD.TTETV YORK, Dec. 6. Tho Irish-American Athletic club has decidedto send at least ten men, headed by Melvln W. Sheppard, tho hero of BeveralOlympic aeries, to represent It In theAthenian Olymplo games to ba held InAthens during May of next year. Thisteam is expected to form tho nucleus ofa squad which will wear tho shield Incompetition ngalnst the picked men ofother nations.JEVNE WINS FROMGEORGE KIRKWOODStung- by his defeat at tho hands ofOwles tho night before, Lloyd Jevne uncoupled himself at Morloy's last evening and trimmed George Kirkwood ofSan Francisco to the tuno of fifty threecushion billiards to thlrty-flvo, says thoLos Angeles Times of Friday.When Jevne literally uncouples himself Morley's celling Is threatened withdisaster. Lloyd and his cuo could notsleep head to head on a ton-foot billiard tablo without both catching rheumatism in tho knees through exposurebeyond tho rails.Jevne explained to tho enthusiastscrowd why he had been world champion-,and he didn't do It with his mouth,but with his little stick. Eight pointsin six Innings, fifteen In fifteen turns,and twenty-six after twenty-five rounds,gave him a consistent average of morethan one.At this stage. Kirkwood, who hadbeaten Owlet?, who had beaten Jevne,waa credited with but eleven marks.Having shown what ho could do tothe man who heat tho man who beathlin. Jevne slacked up, but held fortytallies on tho fiftieth inning.Easy going thereafter nut him out Inthe eighty-seventh inning. Kirkwoodhad high-run honors with five points.The early part of tho game had been bofast that Referee Mlcnaeln tripped overhis tongue twlco in trying to keep count.ASKS FANS TO DONATELITTLE FOR SPENCERErven Jensen, widely known In thewest as a pitcher, Ih Interesting hlmBelfIn tho case of Bort Spencer, who Is laidup in tho hospital with a broken collarbone. Jensen has a flooring contract attho new high school, but ho Is taking afew days off to perform a little servicefor his Btrlckon friend,Jensen yesterday began the circulationof a subscription list for Spencer's benefit. Last night he had collected a largonumber of quarters ana halves. He willbo around to aeo the fans for a littledonation today and tomorrow. Hedoesn't ask for muoh from anyone but hewants. everybody to contribute a'mlto.Spencer has fallen upon evil days. After the season closed the great outfielderobtained employment on the Bingham &Oarfleld railroad as a brakoman. Ho hadworekd only a short time when he metwith an accident, as the result of whichhe has been confined to a hospital bedfor two months. Spencer has a worldof frlonds In Salt Lake, and when Jensenarrives with his paper there Is no question that they will give a little twirl forSpencer's wheel of fortune.Kinjr Cole as Come-back."King" Cole 1b going to try his hardestto stick in the big show next season.King says he never was meant for thominor league, and Is golncr to show folksthat he Is still there. Klner will havehis chance, as Manager Frank Chance isIn need of flrst-clas3 fllngcra.HEAE JUDGE ETJTHESFOED.Tabernacle Sunday, .'1 o'clock. Free.1 (Advertisement.)P1CET0! TO USEOPENM 1 1314Coaching Committee Fills Vacancies Due to Graduation;Ames Chairman.PRINCETON, N. J., Doc. 6.Princeton 's grarluato coaching committee met here today and Eoscoe P. MxClcavo, '03, who has boon chairman ofthe football committee during tho lasttwo BcasonB, and Phillip IT. Ging, '93,automatically severed their connectionfrom the committee. Tho other thrcomen, Knowlton Amos, '09; Donald G.Herring, '07, and Barcla3' H. Farr,'12, wcro ro-oloctod. to tho comraittooby tho board of athlotio control, andthey appointed Ames as chairman.Men to fill the two vacant positionswere agrood upon, but their names willnot bo announced before it i3 knownthat thoy will uccopt.Tho new membors selected will boadvocates of tho open gamo nnd thocommittee will employ this stylo ofplay moro orolusivoly nost season thanwas done this .year.Thoro will bo anothor mooting ofthe committee soon, whon it expects toannounce tho now coaches. It waslearned from good authority that Amesmay not act as head coach nest year,but tho committeo may select somoouu uJbo. xuo commiitoo, acting wnuthe cailtaiu of the team, has power toselect the field coaches who havo active charge of tho training. Thcso menwill not do selected until aftor thecommittee has been completed.Juarez Eosults.By International Now3 Service.First raco. five furlongs Bob Honsley,115 (Marco), 3 to 2, won; Superiority,105 (McDonald), 25 to 1, second; Baltimore, 105 (Noylon), S to 1. third. Time,1:00. Birka. Anglo D., Mary Plckford.Leford, May L., Bumps, Crusty and Gylflalso ran.Second race, six furlongs Tom Chapman, 107 (Woods), 7 to 2. won; No Quarter, 107 (Booker), 10 to 1, Becond; QuickTrip, 113 (O'Brien), 10 to 1, third. Time,1:13 i-o. Frazzle, Milt Jones, FrankWooden, Compton Garter, Bonton, SwiftSure. Garden of Allah, Jessamy and Chilton Trance also ran.Third race, mllo and a sixteenth Curlicue, 10S (Hill). to 1. won; LittleMarchmont, 116 (McCarthy), 10 to 5, second; Trojan Belle, 95 (McDonald), 6 tot, third. Time. 1H6 2-5. Lord Elam.Jim Cafterata, Robert and Topla'nd alsoran.Fourth race, five and a half furlongsPanzarola. 124 (Klrschbaum), oven, won;Floronco Roberts, 112 (McDonald), oven,second; Gold of Ophlr, 102 (Taylor), 0 to2, third. Time, 1:04 3-5. Manaaseh alsoran.Fifth race, six furlongE The Monlc, 112(Hill), 13 to 1, won; Byo White, 107(Claver). 9 to 2. second; Annual Interest.112 (O'Brien), 12 to I, third. Time, 1:121-5. Ormonde Cunningham, Stanley S.,Etholda, Forgo, Binocular, Kid Radford,Swede Sam, Emerald Islo and Commendation also ran.KlvtVl n(l nnn mils OwVfl.O.Q OT(Noylon), oven, won; Cubon. 105 (Guy).7 to 1, second: Melts, 10S (O'Brien), S to5, third. Time, 1:3S 4-5. Tahoo and Carlton Clu'b also ran.Juarez Entries for Sunday.First race, five furlongs Little Bit, 95;Janus, Brlghtstone, Martin Chavls. 110;Christmas Daisy, 115; Strike Out, Bashful Bettlo, Pretty Dale, 110; Bear Abboy, 113.Second race, ono mile Belle of BrynMawr, 05; Ursula Emma. 100; MaryEmily, 100; Ocean Queen, 107; MarioCoghlll, Chantlcler, 100; Buss. 105.Third race, five furlongs Ida Lavlnla,95; Little Jake, 110; Yono Von. Etholda,115; Hazel C, Rose of Jeddah, 110;Herpes, 115; Sir Alvescot. 115.Fourth race, five and a half furlongsMilton Roblee. 95; Bird Man, 103; Osaple,105; Blarney. 112; Emerald Gem, 115;Bign, 95; Red Path, 101; Manganese, 110;Edith W.. 112.Fifth raco, five furlongs Velle Forty,Parncll Girl, 110; Palatable, 113; Glmfl,115; Rosemary, 110; Moller, 113: MissSly. Buck Thomas, 116.Sixth race, seven furlongs Just Red,100; Foundation, 105; Irish Gentleman,108; Injury, 120; Bort Getty, 102; VestedRights, 105; Dorothy Dean, 101. (Injuryana Dorothy Dean coupled In Fuller entry.)Charleston Results.By International News Service.First race, five and a half furlongsHearthstone, 109 (Deronde), 18 to 5, won;Pikes Peak, 102 (Randolph), 15 to 1. second; Clem Beaehey. Ill (Doyle), 8 to1, third. Time. 1:09 1-5. Beversteln, Tolaon d'Or. Blitzen. Jr.. Holland, Austin,Sturtevant, Willis and Littlo Ep alsoran. 'Second raoe, five and a half furlongsBat Masterson, 105 (Doronde), 6 to 1,won; Flying Yankee, 111 (Rlghtmlre),8 to 1, second; Daddy Glp, 105 (J McTaggart), 5 to 3, third. Tlmo, 1-.0S 3-5,Silas Grump. Skoets, Mlra Belle. ElseJwhore. Anoon, Premier, Eaton, MamaJohnson and Incision also ran.Third race, five furlongs Brave Cunarder, 115 (Deronde), i to 5. won; MissGayle. 110 (Obert). 13 to 6, second; Dainty Mint, 105 (Martin), 50 to 1, third.Time, 1:01 8-6. Ivan Gardner, GoldenChimes, Brig's Brother and Harebell alsoran.Fourth raoe, one mile and a sixteenthRingllng, 105 (J. McTaggart), 8 to 1,won; John Furlong, 111 (Goose), 4 to 5,second; Carlton G.. 112 (Glass), 4 to 1.third. Time, 1:48 5-5. Q. M. Miller andLochlel also ran.Fifth race, one mile and twentv yardsCounterpart 105 (Keogh). 4 to o, won;Colonel Cook, 108 (J. McTaggart), 9 to5, second; Duquesno. Ill (Ward). 25 to1. third. Tlmo, 1:44 1-5. Napier, StarActress, Dangorous March and CrackerBox also ran.Blxth race, seven furlongs Elwah, 112(Doronde), 6 to 5, won; Toddling. 10S(Ward), 12 to 1, second: Chester Knim.116 (Connelly). 2 to 1, third. Time. 1:29:Earl of 6'avoy. Spindle, Judge Monck,Bernodotte and Gerrard also ran.RAILROAD BOWLERSBEAT OGDEN PACKERSThe O. S. L. bowling toam last nightdefeated tho Ogden Packing &. Provisionrollers two out of threo games on theDeseret gymnasium alloys. Three gameswill bo played In tho Desoret league thisweek Last night's score:OGDEN PACKING &. PROVISION CO.Bingham 133 119 139 391Conway 143 111 139 393Stewart 90 137 SO 317Mlckolsen 107 135 135 377Fltt 133 127 115 376Totals (50(5 C29 COS 1851O. P. L.Lambert 93 159" 114 3.5(5Vlarvey 125 1(52 12G 413.13! 153 112 401Allies mil 113 U5 334Watson ir,9 . mi no 0totals C3J 731 Coi IMGFUNERAL NOTICEYOUNG Thft funoral services ovor thebody of Brigham II. Young, aged Gyears, will be held Monday at 1 p. m.from tho Twelfth-Thirteenth wardchapel. Friends aro Invited to attondand the casket will bo opened at thochurch from 12:40 to 1 p. m. IntermentIn City cemetery.FUNERAL DIRECTORSEBER W. HALL, UNDERTAKER ANDombalmor, 164 So. West Temple. Phono505. d3S. D. EVANS, UNDERTAKER, EMbalmor. Mortuary chapel, 4S So, State.Automobile seryico If dcslrod, without additional ,cxpen3o. Was. S64. b218E G, O'DONNELL, UNDERTAKERand cmbalmer, has moved to new location, 225-227 South WeBt Tcmplo street.Realty bldg. Phone 5S0. o3399FLORISTSE. A. LAMBOURNE FLORAL CO., NO,3 South Main, with Wllloa-Horno DrugCo, Lending florists on funeral designs.Was. 374 and Wns. 291. hMOflALL KINDS CUT FLOWERS, FRESHfrom greenhouse. Porter-Walton Co.,274 State. ra3781Floral DecorationsWE SELL 01lRNTSSoiiaS8for parties, etc. 5G E. 4th South. Was.3G08-R. h3825CUT FLOWERSHUD DART FLORAL CO.. 62 SO. MAIN Istreet Phono 108. Cut flowers andfuneral designs. nl633THE LEADING FLORIST, W. W. KING,214 East 2nd South. Phone 37. r27MRS. E. J. SANDERS CHOICE, FLOWcrs and funeral designs. 4 W. Broad -way.Wasatch 2815. h2P75MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONESLAUGD STOCK TO SELECT FROM R.McKenzlo. Display yards. 422 S. State.LOST AND FOUNDLOST TWO FOX TERRIER PUPS,all white with black faces and bobtalis. Return to Mr. Kats, 59 W. 1st So.$5.00 reward. klOOLOST BETWEEN SEMLOH HOTELand Z. C. M. I. store, on First Southor Main street, Monday afternoon, alinen work bag containing stamped apron,thlmblo, finger shield, otc. Please roturn to Mrs. J. C. Wyatt, Hotel Scm-loh-k265LOST A TIIEAT UPSILON SORORITYpin, name and eJdrcss engraved onback. Return to 475 8th avc. Roward.k349LOST A DACHSHUND, BETWEEN12th So. and Waterloo; vory long body,long ears, very short legs. Was. C150,or Hy. 2726rW. Return to 135 E. 2nd So.Roward. 403LOST LADY'S DIAMOND RING,Thursday. Reward. A. M. M.. Tribuno. L08T A SMALL BROWN AND WHITEcow with halter on. Roward. PhoneWas. 1793-M. kC64RING. SET WITH CHIP DIAMONDSaround opal. Either in S. L. Knittingfactory store or on 8th South, hot. Mainand West Temple, Friday evoning. Return to 52 West Sth So. .Reward. kSSGLOST A SMALL FAN. LEAVE SAIEat No. 1 firo station and receive rerard. lc03GLOST $25.30, WRAPPED IN SMALL,yellow envelope, between 6th South and2nd and Utah Savings & Tmst Co,Finder please leave at Utah Savings &Trust Co., and- receive reward, lc737LOST AIREDALE DOG. TAX NO. 1210;answers to name of Scott. NotifyFlnnlrl flny CflC TTT c-ro. it j. wjiyi, wvu UlU avu, VUO, LH1DO,Roward. k843LOST SATURDAY EVENING. ONnorth side of Third South, betweenMain and West Templo. parcel containing Bhlrt and cuff buttons. Return toNo. 15 Exchange place. Roward. k852LOST LOCKET AND FOB, THE LATter engraved. "D. J. V." Locket setwith three diamonds, back engraved,"Florence Dennlo." $5.00 reward. Finderplease call 210 Stratford hotel. 2nd So.and 2nd East. kS32LOST IRON STRONG BOX. MARKED"Paymaster, U. S. A " Family papersof value to ownor only; 525 reward forpapers, no questions asked. AddressG-34. Tribune. kGG7PERSONALLADJiOoTtEIy guaranteo my great successful"Monthly" remedy; safely relieves someof the longest most obstinate abnormaleases In three to five days; no harm,pain or interference with work; mall51.50. Double strength. $2. Book free.Dr. B. P. Southlngtone. Kansas City, Mo.ol,rAUCTION SALESTUESDAY, DEC. 9, AT 235 OUTH 3RDEast. 1030 a. m., I will sell at auotlon tho contents of 8-room house, consisting of the following: Parlor sot,leather upholstered rocker and davenport, mahogany tablo, quarter-sawed oakdining tablo and chairs, quarter-sawedoak dressers and commodes, lot rockers,chairs, brass and Iron beds, Bprlngs andmattresses, bed linen, several 9x12 rugs,hall tree, hall and stair carpet. 16 yardsInlaid linoleum, gas range, 6-hole coalrange, washing machine, refrigerator, lotdishes, wardrobe, cooking utensils: lotsof things too numerous to mention. Thesethings were all now less than ono yearago and are all good. A now Kimballpiano, cost $550.JOHN JONES. Auctloneor.kS51WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF2nd-hand household goods and can giveyou prices which no other store will compete with. Look over the following Items:Dressers, 53 and up.Oak chiffoniers, $5 and up.Center tables. 25c and up.S1.50 rice bottles at 50c each.50c teapots, 25c each.Rugs, all kinds, 9x12, l and up.Sideboards, $5 and up.Glass-door cupboards, 32.50 ;ind up.Wardrobes, $4 and up.Washstands, 50c and up.Wo also havo a few good bargains inround extension pedestal tables.Ono $150 dlnlner room sot for xrs.O. K. FURNITURE CO.,209' So. W. Temple.Your Credit Is Good. kSOCBEING FAR OUT. CHEAP RENT ISthe reason we car sell goods cheap;cash or credit: we have new goods; alsoa lot of second-hand heaters, ranges,dressers, bedc almost as good as now,at half price. Michigan Furniture Co..430 State. Was. 6145. g3388JOHN JONES, AUCTIONEER ANDvaluer; commission business; 8 yearswith K. A. Andrews. Residence, 1230Stiingham ave. Phone Hyland 1C14. f2738C. E. OSTERLOH. AUCTIONEER; RESldence, 624 So. Main. Wasatch 2324-W.PASTOR TAKES PEEPINTO THE FUTURELAKBWOOD, N. J.. Doc. 15 Dr. MvronT. Scudder of New York City, speakingbeforo the Now Jcrsoy Sanitary association hero today, sta riled manv of hishearers by declaring his belief that in aderade or so ministers of the gospel will,after their Sunday sermons, lav asidetheir; C5tmonts and bo found umpiringSunday baseball games.WANTEDWanted Male HelpWANTED THE INTERNATIONAL.Llfo Insurance company of St Louis,Mo has opened offices for tho PacificcoaBt, 32S First National Bank bldg., SanFrancisco, and will offer liberal inducements to successful salesmen, with opportunities to becomo managers in eitherCullfomia, Utah or Oregon. Superiorcontracts to local representatives for SaltLake, Ogden nnd other parts of Utah.Wo issuo an exceptionally attractive Unoof policlos and pay high commissions. Ifyou havo no experience, are uro youpossess ability and aro allvo and anxiousto succeed, wrlto us. h2867WAjNTED FOR U. S. ARMY, ABLEbodlod, unmarried men between ageBof 18 and 35, citizens of United Stales,of good chatucter and temperate habits,who can speak, read and write Englishlanguage. For Information apply to recruiting officer, old Walkor Bank bldg.,XV. Second South street Salt Lake City.1:431YOUNG MAN BY WHOLESALEplumbing and heating company to takecharge of stock departments. Must becapablo and know tho plumbing and heating goods thoroughly. Suite experienceand salary oxpuctcd. Address G-21, Trlbuno. k434WAJs'TED, FIRST-CLASS COAT MA Kor at once. A. K. Dahlcn, AmericanFalls, Idaho. k452C. R. HANSEN" & CO., EMPLOYMENTagents. 3G E. 1st So, Phone Was. 534.11567BOYS IF YOU DON'T BUY FROM USwo both loso money. ROWE'S ClothesShop for boys Walkor Bank building.C1729FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASEmont First Congregational churcli. Woget you a position free of charge. Telephone Wns. 5322. t305HORSE ROUTES ON THE TRIBUNEare opening constantly. Young monwith horses aro wanted. Ask for F. W.Johnson, between 8 and 9 a. in,, at Tribune business office. g2244YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEYfarming than you can working forHomcone olso. Seo the Pacific Land &Water Co., 15lh floor Walkor Bank bldg..for exceptional onnortunltles. g34S060 UNCALLED-FOR SUITS ANDovercoats; $3 to $10. 265 State sth2S9GMEN 13 TO 36 BECOME GOVERNmont railway mall clerks. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute Dept. 432-H, Rochester, N. Y.b.2STUDY MECHANICAL DRAWING THISwinter. Evening class. Utah BusinessCollege, BoBton building. h993100 MISFTT SUITS FOR SALE ATcost. Nobby Suitorlum, 219 State st.el093BOYS, GET YOUR HAIR CUT ANDshave at tho "Rex" Barber Shop, 426So. Stato st Oluf Halvorsen, proprietor.h2S72SALT LAKE COOKS' ASSOCIATION.First-class restaurant and hotel cdoksfurnished free, h2970SALESMEN, ALSO PERSONS WELLemployed, who will In sparo timo helpus got Information to their friends andfellow omployees. Help us get tho thousand owners In tho demonstration farm.Will pay you for your services. Call onSec. Stato Reclamation Co., 500 BoydParle bldg. - hl971YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD SOMEexperience operating multlgraph machine and stenography. Address In ownhandwriting, stating ago and F-48, Tribune office. k21LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED.No canvassing or soliciting required.Good Income assured. Address NationalCc-Oneratlvo Realty Co., V-827 MardenBuilding, Washington, D. C. kl58BOYS TO WORK AFTER SCHOOL ANDSaturdays. Apply 308 Mclntyro Bldg.kl72MEN FOR MINING AND LOADINGcoal. Apply to D. G. Thomas, RockSprings. Wyo or F. L. McCarty, Superior, Wyo. k34SBRIGHT YOUNG OFFICE BOY FORlarge wholesale manufacturing house;good opportunities for advancement Address G-16. Tribune. k3C3TWO SOLICITORS FOR STEADYposition; good pay and money oyeryday or week. Call botween 10 and 11.205 So. State. k37GSALESMEN WANTED TO SELL REALestate in a new addition adjoiningButte, Montana. Best selling propositionIn the United States. Apply 57 WestSecond South st.. Salt Lako City. C. Lery k612AMBITIOUS PERSON MAY EARN $15to $25 weekly during spare tlmo athome, writing for newspapers. Send forparticulars. Press Bureau M-187, Washington, D. C. k574WANTED AMBITIOUS WORKMENYour work on actual Jobs pays forteaching trade of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying. Only fewmonths required; 700 students last fouryears. Wrlto for Information. UnitedTrade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. iC57oWANTED ERRAND BOY AND FILEclerk; large company: good opportunltvfor advancement; young man living a"thome preferred. Address G-24, Tribune.k657PERFORMERS WITH COLLEGE GIRLEcompany; good comedy sketch toam;slnglo comedian; show opens January 3.Anything new. Tell all you do In firstletter, and salary. Poor acts stay away.Tickets If I know you. Eddie Collins,write Lew. Low's College Girls Co., 631Utah ave.. Butto. Mont k617IF YOU WRITE PLAIN ENGLISH YOUmay earn steady Income writing fornowspapors; experience not requiredCapital Press Syndicate,- Washington.P. C. -kssoGOOD CALLER - OUT OR CANVASSERfor view crew. Phone Was. 7163. McLealsh, the "6-U-R-2" Man. k775WANTED FOUR MILLWRIGHTS ANDhelper for out of town Job. AddressG-26, Tribune. 143WANTED EXPERIENCED COA7mine surveyor for short Job. AddressG-27, Tribune.SEVERAL EXPERIENCED COAL MINers; good wa?es steady employmentno trouble. Address G-41, Tribune. k75AMBITIOUS "PERSON MAY EARN $15to $25 weekly during spare tlmo athomo, writing for newspapers. Send forparticulars. Press Bureau, No, 187Washington, D. C. hll74GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS.thorough preparation, $5. Returned ifnot appointed. Particulars freo. American Civil Service School, WashingtonP- C. ,22gS3000-S10.000 YEARLY: ACTIVE AmTbltlous representatives willing to learnour business: unparalleled opportunity tobecomo established; valuable book freeInterstate Realty Co., Pittsburg, Pa.h2267WANTED AN IDEA! WHO CANthink of some simple thing to patent7Protect your Ideas, thoy may brim? voiiwealth. Write for "Needed Inventions"and "How to Got Your Patent and YourMoney." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. h!215BRAKEMEN,. FIREMEN, RAILROADSentering Salt Lake City. Wages $100Experience unnecessary. Send agestamp. Railway Association, Dept. 1331Brooklyn, N. T. h4277BOY WITH WHEEL. APPLY ROYALCleaning Co. Apply 631 Squires ct6th So. bet. 7th and Sth ISuat. k7i3 14WANTED! Wanted--M"5llve? packages. Pau-Co-Vesta Club. 3dE. 4th So.DRIVER FOR CLEANING A.ND PRESS -ingwagon; must have experience nthis lino. Pan-Co-Vesta. Club, 35 E. JthSouth.BOY TO TAKE CARE OF HOTtSBS ANDdeliver. Experience- rcqulreil. CanHospital Pharmacy, 7th North and -ndWest, Sunday morning. KD0"ENROLL NOW A.T HENAGER'S Business college. It pays to get the best.Positions guaranteed to all graduates.Day and night sessions. Visitors wclcomo.Wanted-MAIL ORDER DEALERS NP AGENTSGet our offer dn Dr. Hall 's ' SeJKnowledge," the greatest "Sex HsJonehook published, sotting forth sc entitle sexfacts In plain language; alsofully explained, including Moral Issuesand Reforms of Today." all In one volume, 320 pages, Illustrated, only ?1. caro spending thousands of dollars acnoitislng Ihls truly wonderful sex book inall the leading nowspapors and jnagaz.ncH.See display advertisement In almost ammagazine you pick up, Enormous uomand. Everybody wants plain sex factsto tako tho place of Ignorance that misso long prevailed concerning such mattors. Explains, for the first tlmo In apopular work, many hitherto misunderstood experiences $8S6 cash $1 ordersreceived dlroct from ono magazine advertisement. Lot us show you how to getsome of those dollars from our advertising. Wo supply circulars with your nameand address to help advertlso and sell thisgreat book. Don't miss this opportunity.International Bible House, 16th andChestnut, dept A-148, Phlla, Pa., U. S. A.h42S.-SOAP AGENT? OUR SANITARY SKINSoap has ovcrythlng beat for profits;wo protoct you In territory; sample andpremium list free. DALEY MFG. CO.,St. Louis, Mo. g53AGENTS IN EVERY CITY IN UTAH;big commission specialty. Call between 8 and 0530 a. m., at 1026 Kearnsbldg. hlS23MONEY INTO POCKETS OF EVERYagent, crew ana suno manab't" ;cut," clean, attractive work; any statoor town. If you can prove "up to snuff,call or write 522 Newhouso bldg. 114421BRAND NEW WHIRLWIND SELLER' for hustlers, mon or women, everywhere. Low-prictfd massage machine, operated by running water. Everybody buys.Fastest seller of age. Shaffer wires:"Ship bIx dozen first express; sold out in3 days." Information and torrltory freo.Don't dolay Send name on postal todny. Blackstono Co., 833 Meredith bldg.,Toledo, O. k572AGENTS A DIGNIFIED PROPOSItlon. Big profits. Business mon andhousewives buv on night Investigate today. Sample postpaid 35c. Coast Manufacturing Co., Desk R, Fresno,. Cal. rlYSHIGH-GRADE SPECIALTY FOR LIVEagents. Splendid profit for workers.Particulars free. write. West CoastMfg. & Sales Co., Rm. 11, Fogg Bldg..Pasadeno, Cal. h4220CANNON & PARRY CO., 500 TEMPLEton bldg., wants agents In S. I C. andevorv town In Utah and Idaho. CallMonday after 9 a. m. kS09Wanted SalesmenEXCELLENT SALES PROPOSITIONfor live man with somo Jnltlatlvo andglngor. Property that la In demand, literature and references that make Itmove. Al offor to tho right man. Call717 Newhouso bldg. Immediately. h3917SALESMAN. EXPERIENCED. STAPLElino. Soli western retail merchants. 5150monthly advance against commissioncontract Splendid opportunity for manof ability. E. L. Rice, Detroit Mich.k575SALESMEN FOR UTAH TO SELLmerchants the greatest specialty of theoay. Experienced specialty salesman ormerchant preferred. $100 a week to thoright man. Commission contract. Commissions paid weekly. Stato experience.Tho Champion Register Co., Cleveland. O.k573WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN;experience unnecessary; earn whilelearning; position assured: hundreds opportunities now open. . Write for particulars. Bradstreet System, Rochester, N.Y.. Dept. 142. ' k571SALESMAN CAPABLE SPECIALTYsalesman for Utnh; staple line on newand. exceptional terms; attracth'e commission contract for balance of vear and1914; $35 weeklv for expenses. "Miles F.Bixler Co.. 275, 49 Carlln building, Cleveland, O. k579SALESMAN FOR GENERAL MERCANtllo trade: vacancy January 1; unexcelled specialty proposition; commissioncontract: $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 32, 49 Continentalbldg., Cloveland, O. k573SELL GREEN OIL SOAP. THIS TER-rltory-Good demonstrator. Bost soapfor everything. A. M. Rice, S56 E. 1stSo. Was. 6373-R. fc5S7IF YOU AIRE A SALESMAN. NOT ANorder-taker, you can make $400 to $S00per month with our line. We want fourcrackerjacks for next' year. Full particulars to the right men. Address Secretary', 706 Kouser building, St Louis, Moh4177WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMANto sell stock In high-class, dignifiedproposition; will pay good mon big. '"3Mclntyre building. ic63Wanted To RentMOTHERLAND DUGlrrRWISHcouple of rooms for h. k. Was. 7099-W3c200Wanted To Buyfor chill or popcorn. Address G-1DTrlbun&- k445TWO WHITE ANGORA GOATS TOdrive double. Address G-54, Tribune.. k783SPOT CASH FOR FIRE-PROOF SAFECarllne. lGOj S. W. Temple. kTSCWanted -To TradeTSPEFy $6501IANo OTHERhigh-grade household goods, for toamjw .gon or automobile. Address F-40iUtunc- n443GWAN TED-HAVE 6-PASSENGER CARin first class condition. Would like toam U Sr, n,nabut In-first class condition. Address F. R. ien Mnr,.Utah, or phone Murray No. ' icC46WantedBoard and RoomWArrEDHSSJ AND BOAnrTPrivate family for two pe2SfD.wSkG35BUTTON FACTORYtailor; 120 East BroadwafhlS50trade marks or copyright VV 4Thomas. 308 Utah Savs &' Tr'ust 1Q124WHERE TO STOPcrn5;0baOthT.8i5ctleb-' ,1J nl339TEIBHlfE WA2TT ADS PU.WANTED Wtej. Wanted FemaleGIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENK(4PLY READY FOR WORK ATHAND 1 P. M. DAILY. TROY LAk; .321 SOUTH 6TH EAST.FREE EMPLOYMENT AGEyCMgnment First Congregational chtM?2get you a position free of chargXphono 5S22. rKGIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8tfQlno washing or Ironing; gaodM'(iHGlvo references. Telephone HyaHRjvSCHOOLGIRLS. THE BELL W&lShoo Parlors, 403 3oyd Parkto examine low heel and babTBlJ$2.50; no more, no less.COMPETENT GIRL FOR GimtfShousework. Apply forenoon, -MCnSncss apt WK3MLADIES BRINGING THEIR OVuStorlnl to tho Brown School ofMfcvmay make tholr own hats underiJ"'sona) direction of Miss Alllso MfnHtUNow York City, -expert designer j?;hata. Hyland 74. 475 E. BroadwajjffiCOMPETENT, AMBITIOUS 'WL-P 1ladles to sell Barclcy corses'',per day guaranteed. Anna M. Chm"""40 Woodruff apt3. 'Wr'tA GIRL WANTED FOR G1HP 1housework. Apply 119 12th rif 'WANTED STUDENT TOhair work; good position when F3rD5GG So. State. Was. 6511,COMPETENT GIRL FOR GSf'housework; two In family. PhdMuiHsatch 1333. 69 D st. l&t 1GOOD PAY AND CONSIDfcitreutment In a quiet nmal adKIly for a woman who can cook &mZihouse clean and who wants armji &nent homo; no chlldron. Give QK &tlons and phone F-28, Tribune. JRrfGIRL OR WOMAN TO OARB ft ?evenings. No other vorlc R iff Iletter so appointment can be mi aInterview. Address your lotter iTribune. ;;GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEmust understand cooking. na- Cm&East. J JJYOUNG GIRL FOR LIOHT liwork and care of children. Call tfsft6th South, apt. No. 1. j JJgCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GES lhousework; no cooking; no w hsmall family. 1176 2nd ave.GOOD GIRL; REFERENCES. FSafternoons. 221 W. 4th South,- JJtEXPERIENCED JEWELRY 1woman wanted; none other needSeo Mr. McCann, assistant m CTWalker Bros. Dry Goods Co. -GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: I lLfamily. Arlington apt, 415 lstV .ftxjiltGIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSISTS jfthousework, no cooking. 544 SoT! 1plo. ) ? r,wGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWCVirginia ave., Federal Heights,GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GE1 2housework. Phone Wasatch 4615 ErJ,' mu:GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE" 8!SJNo laundry. Good wage3. Apply,So. Temple. 4VWOMAN FOR GENERAL E ,(work Phono Hyland 1361-R. ! ffCOMPETENT MIDDLE AGED Vto assist with housework, ondtwo children. Apply 279 10th ave. '3, 1GIRL FOR OFFICE AND El rjTwork; stenography not requlra rLper week; recent easterner preferr Zwhat former work has been and 5j ,Give ago and phone. Address G-21une. . ;-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE1 -good wages. Mrs W. C. Ori 53rd ave. ;BARCLEY CORSETS ARE LIKJ ''P1friends; they wear well, made to 5aurements; guaranteed to fit: not t(or rust Wasatch 3091-W, Conbusiness women wanted to take 'a !in Utah town. 40 Woodruff Apt;; wlCORSETIER.ES, DRESSMAKERSother representatives wanted; .' j,onco unnecessary; celebrated "KForm and Walst-Flttlng Petticoal Cery woman easily sold; present raj ( atatlves continually reordering. Wrday secure exclusive territory. JJ,dealer competition. Spelman A Co j 4cago. S .WANTED GIRL FOR OHNhousework; must be reliable and wwell recommended. Call before n301 2nd avenue. 1WANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST ihousework; 2 m family. Call 3"30-R. jjGIRL OR WOMAN TO DO OEShousework. Inq. 1710 So. 4th -WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOwashing or Ironing; no upstairs' .J,Apply to Mrs. Gcoghegan, 200 N.j10 LADY PRESSERS. PAN-CO- iJClub, 35 E. 4th So. I 5GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN 8family; must bo good cook; .: 72week; references. Address G-58, TlFTNE OPPORTUNITY FOR LAI jTlearn tho corset business andPermanent position at good salaryClementine Corset Parlor, Inc. I -j Broadway. SI HAVE FINE POSITION FOR j &las assistant, manager. Exclushfor ladles. Cash security requireddress G-57, Tribune. 'COMPETE'NT GIRL FOR GBlihousework; good wages. 533 E. 3 ujj yWANTED A SALESLADY, WH(aerstands drcssmalclng, too. ApiWANTED NEAT, PLAIN SEWE1 ijPly No. 3 Sharp flats.NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO EJRjat Henager's Business collegfl-school that gets results. Day andHttagaSte todajPOSlt,0nS ffuaranteed'GOOD HOMID FOR PUPILS ATlBWfefIng the Browns School of DrcssnwsJlwhere they can exchnnso servicwBroom and board. Hy. 74. 475 E. :SCGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSETlB,!:.o'Ji11 Iwuso. Will pay good m?il480 E. 4th So.WANTED, A COOK. 564 E. 15COMPETENT TE.ACHER WILLlessons in English; foreignora JPi6 30 p maU 'nS' 5G64''W' bet' "aGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSETCmNj!hours " J0' Flrst aVe, cil,rlnP "jjf"I HAVE 2 PLACES OF BU9lSfwant lady to take charge of nnaMKfor half interest. Address "7jBhpLOCAL MANAGER FOR CORSEifc;guaranteed salorv for ono ycarJLtract. Address G-6. Tribune. 1 W'Sf

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