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Filemaker Pro Server 2023: What's New and Why You Need It


MirrorSync is an elegant synchronization product that can sync between any combination of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Server, SQL database (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or any database that supports JDBC), Salesforce, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon RedShift. For mobile devices, users can sync the hosted file with their FMGo or Pro clients, go off network to make changes, and sync again when a connection is available. For servers, MirrorSync allows a database to run in multiple locations, or to integrate different databases and make sure that changes to each server are reflected in the other server.MirrorSync is only installed on the server computer. It is not a plug-in, and does not require any software installation on client devices.MirrorSync is extremely easy to set up. -----Why use MirrorSync?1. For mobile users who access the database with FileMaker Go on their iOS device, MirrorSync allows these users to work efficiently with limited or no connectivity to the server network. Each user can take a local copy on their iPad or iPhone, input the information from the field, and then sync when they regain a network connection. Depending on their workflow, they could even specify a one-way sync where their information is pushed to the server, but no data is pulled down, or vice versa for users who need fast read-only information.2. For remote users who work on laptops, MirrorSync solves the problem of how to work productively on a hosted FileMaker database, regardless of network speed. If, for example, you have multiple users connecting to FileMaker Server over a wide area network (WAN) you could notice a substantial slowdown, as every change is immediately written back to FileMaker Server. MirrorSync allows each user to take a local copy of the database which would run on the user's machine and not be affected by the WAN performance. The user could sync when they first came into the office, work on their local copy throughout the day, and sync at specified times (or on demand) to push and pull the latest data to the server.3. For groups of users at multiple locations, MirrorSync should be used in server-to-server mode, where an identical copy of the database is installed on FileMaker Server in each location. Each workgroup works at full LAN speed on their own FileMaker Server, and MirrorSync takes care of keeping the servers in sync with each other, so that each workgroup can see and edit changes made by the other group. In this configuration, MirrorSync should be set to sync very often, such as every 30-60 seconds.4. To maximize performance and reliability, MirrorSync can be used in a clustering configuration, where two or more servers are running at the same data center and synchronized so that they all contain the same set of data. This means that each server only needs to work with 1/2 or less of the total users, and if one server goes down, the other server can take over the entire workload seamlessly. For a video demo of this, see =bQlGHrNtHCg5. For integration with non-FileMaker databases, MirrorSync is the simplest and most efficient way to accomplish this. For instance, if you have an online storefront running with MySQL or Oracle at a remote data center, but you need to have instant access to all of the orders in a database running on FileMaker Server, MirrorSync can selectively sync certain SQL tables to FileMaker, even if the table and field names do not match. In this configuration, MirrorSync should be set to sync fairly often, such as every 5-10 minutes.--/// NEW in MirrorSync 6! ///*Automatic file transfers between servers*Automatic version update between servers*Safer syncs*Easy migration *Java no longer required to be pre-installed *Automated deployment and version management for server-to-server syncs*Unlimited tables*Leverages new FileMaker features for much faster container field syncs

Filemaker Pro Server

*Automated deployment and version management for server-to-server syncs *Faster Speeds: Run the Initial Sync on the Server *More Convenient: Encrypts and Remembers User Passwords *More Reliable: New Sync Auditing Feature to Monitor Sync Progress *Improvements for MirrorSync Hosting Providers *New Support for Syncing with DynamoDB, the Back-end Database of *More Convenient with FileMaker Server 17

Sync multiple FileMaker Servers for load balancing and clustering or to speed up slow connection to FileMaker Server. Using MirrorSync to cluster FileMaker Servers running side-by-side can increase server availability for your mission critical solution. Through data replication, you can ensure server reliability by balancing loads and handling server failure.

MirrorSync can sync directly between FileMaker Go and any supported server database, including MySQL, Sequel Server, Oracle, DynamoDB, Amazon RedShift, Salesforce, and any JDBC-compatible database. You will need FileMaker Server running for the configuration process, but the actual synchronization script will communicate from FileMaker Go MirrorSync server Any supported database server. Even container fields are supported; they are stored as BLOB data on an SQL server, or on S3 for DynamoDB.

Almost none; the Data API is used to initiate the MirrorSync script on the server. After that the actual data transfer is done between the MirrorSync script on FileMaker Server and the MirrorSync web application using the Insert from URL script step.

Setting up FileMaker Pro Server on a new Mac Mini, running OS X Mavericks, I wanted to add a Scheduled Backup of the Server databases to go to a Dropbox folder. The idea was to add another level of backup that was offsite in the event of fire or theft of the server hardware.

The permissions issue for backup paths depends on your initial setup of FileMaker Server. fmserver is the default user, but it is possible to set it to the same user as your login. If you do that, you may not encounter these path setting problems.

Other people ask if they can install the FileMaker Pro database on a hosted server and access the files via FileMaker Pro clients installed on local computers. Most likely this implementation will result in slow response. Your result may vary and you can always start with this implementation and add a Remote Desktop/Terminal server for the client install if you need a faster solution. You should review the requirements for your particular version but you can see below that the minimum requirements for FileMaker Server are 2 CPU cores and 4g RAM. For FileMaker Pro, the hardware requirements depend on the number of users expected, usage concurrent, etc. Having two servers helps spread the load placed on the servers and each can be upgraded as needed. You may also want to consider using FileMaker WebDirect to connect via a browser from your phone, tablet, PC, etc.

Riptide Hosting can provide you with a dedicated server(s) solutions to host your FileMaker Server database and FileMaker Pro client. For a small number of users (typically less than 10 users), virtual servers with dedicated IPs and private/backend connection, and Windows Operating System is a great hosting solution. For more than 10 users, a dedicated server solution provides a faster experience often for a lower price per user. Contact us if you would like to review the hosting options, pricing or, licensing.

FileMaker Server is the versatile database server of FileMaker Inc. FileMaker Server supports installing FileMaker plug-ins so they run as part of FileMaker Server. This will enable you to make use of the extra functionality plug-ins offer!NOTE The information below assumes the use of FileMaker Server 9 or FileMaker Server Advanced 9 (for instant web publishing). Note that you can use FileMaker Server (Advanced) 10 and later too.

You can enable FileMaker Server to use plug-ins with hosted databases and server-side scripts. When plug-ins are used by hosted databases, field calculations can be performed on the computer running FileMaker Server. When you run server-side (ScriptMaker) scripts the functions of Troi plug-ins can also be used in these scripts.

When you run a plug-in server-side, it will run in the context of the FileMaker Server application. FileMaker Server runs in a non-logged-in state and does not have permissions. You should be aware of this when you use a plug-in such as Troi File Plug-in: as long as you are targeting files or folders inside the Server Documents folder you should be OK, but outside of that you are likely to get permission errors.

Installing server-side plug-ins is actually quite easy. First you need to copy the Troi Plug-in to the appropriate FileMaker Server Extensions folder. The path of the folder where you need to place a copy of your plug-in is on Mac OS:

Troi Plug-ins, installed on FileMaker Server as server-side or web-side plug-in, write a log file to help you determine what is going on, like for example to see if the plug-in is properly installed. Troi Plug-ins create two separate log files, one for server-side and one for web-side.On Mac OS you can find the two logs here:

To use Troi Plug-ins as a server-side or web-side plug-in you need to purchase a special Server/Web license of that plug-in. You can purchase Server/Web licenses in the online Troi Store.TIP You can determine the registration status of a Troi Plug-in in the log file.

Please note: on some systems you need to place the Troi Payment Certificate.txt file one directory higher to register the plug-in for server-side use: put it in the /Library/FileMaker Server/Database Server/ folder instead of in the /bin subfolder.

If you proceed past this warning, the connection itself will show an orange lock due to the name mismatch between the server with the .local suffix and the name of the server on the SSL certificate ( in this case). 2ff7e9595c


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