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100 Word Writing Exercise €? My Life Changing Recovery From OCD

Summer beak just started two days ago. I was 13 and graduated from the 7th grade. I went to my best friend's house, and we decided to go on a bike ride to get ice cream. The helmet my friend gave me broke, so I put it back in the garage, and started riding my bike down the street. Tim, my best friend at the time, came up behind me holding the helmet. His dad just got home and just happened to have the part to fix the helmet. I put the helmet on, and we went on our way. We started going down a steep hill, riding on the sidewalk. Unbeknownst to me, ahead of me the sidewalk was cracked, and the two cracked parts pushed together which made an A shaped wall on thes sidewalk. I hit the concrete with my front tire, and the bike flipped me and smashed the top of my head on the concrete. I blacked out for a few minutes, and when I came to I couldn't talk for about 3 minutes. When I did talk it sounded like I was mentally challenged, and the words themselves made no sense (according to my 3 friends). I never went to the hospital because we didn't want to tell anyone so we could all still go to summer camp. I don't remember much about that summer, except for the anxiety and headaches that started. I only made it through half of the 8th grade, I just couldn't do it. My math grade in the 7th grade was exactly 100%, after the concussion the numbers and lines were completely abstract to me, it was like learning Russian while being spun around. I quit the 8th grade and had to be homeschooled. I went to a regular high school (thank God) but it was a struggle. The anxiety and brainfog made it very difficult. I am 32 now, still living withmy parents, and I am unable to drive. My anxiety pulsates throughout my entire being second by second. I can't think, and I had to start taking Adderall and Ativan, which hardly do anything to help me. I am very blessed that my friend brought me my helmet, I believe I would be dead, or partially if not totally paralized had I not worn the helmet. I was an exceptionally intelligent child, who taught himself to play the piano at 4, and was reading 4 books a month by the 3rd grade. I wanted to be an inventor, but I could have been anything I wanted. Thankfully I have an online business, and my wonderful parents. I feel like a part of me died that day. I never cried about it, but writing this and thinking about it in this way is making me cry. I am just now coming to the realization that I will never be the same again.

Ocd ruminative ocd of fears with ptsd not my thoughts only fears and ptsd when a word automatically appears unwanted as a fear based thought it is a thought of fear not a thought of wanting but a fear of anxiety. Anxiety fearful thoughts of the worst that could happen but in reality its a fear but ive been through trauma -ptsd And assault in domestic violence along with sexual assault also hearing stories of kids being assaulted and it was the worst thing i have ever heard. I focused on thinking of the worst fear in the world so i could function to distract myself from being a victim of these traumas and the guilt and the shame of my own ptsd to pull myself out of feeling depressed but it becomes complex trauma and it ruminates with ocd and ptsd to some point of unknown diagnosis of adhd because its that repeative but with this horrible illness of ocd and ptsd there is no way of ever being able to just stop these thoughts well i call them my fears because i am not thinking of these sinister thoughts as they are fears and ptsd . Under standing ocd is frustrating because people misconcept the term of thoughts because my ocd is to be perfect and safe . If uneducated people misunderstand this concept of ocd and how its a fear based thought not a want it would ease the anxiety of people with ocd.These words of fearful thoughts they are not ours its ptsd not our thoughts to hold but they are the worst fears i have ever had along with ocd,ptsd and it ruminates in my head regardless of having caffeine or having to wipe self out with alcohol . I do not have intentions of ever acting on these fears they are words but online they call them thoughts but its anxiety and not reality it is a fear. If you have ocd do not ever hang out with people that a toxic or rude or that are animals to cause you ptsd and fear along with horrible stories because its hard to stop ruminating of these fears/thoughts . I have ocd where everything has to be perfect like gardens and butterflies and happy honest people that are safe but the world doesnt exist of only decent people so for us with ptsd it is very hard to live with ocd but cbt counsilling helps alot to feel normal . Remember its not your thoughts its just a fear there not wants or needs they are fears of anxiety . I have tried every tablet on the market and fluroxitine has saved my life i feel in control with excercise i took myself on effexor all the way to 120 mg and my body was sedated of compulsive behaviour episodes but in my mind i had more ocd and it become so bad that checking doors and windows slamming them to make sure they are locked to feel safe , but because of my ptsd i was hyper vigilante for my safety to feel safe at night time until i could snap out of compulsive behaviours. I hate ocd and ptsd but the way i have decribed my illness is to hopefully save someone who is unsure why this ruminating intrusive fear based thoughts are happening due to ptsd and ocd its not you its the illness. I am a good person with good intentions I am not my ptsd or ocd understanding reality and being in control has helped me live with ptsd and ocd . I feel trying to learn and just self improvement and focusing on self really helps me be partiality normal to live with ocd and ptsd.

100 Word Writing Exercise – my life changing recovery from OCD

In this exercise, clients are invited to highlight their strengths and values through storytelling and to draw parallels from their story to their current life situations. In the process, clients can develop a deeper understanding of their strengths and values in the context of their narratives.

Like everyone else on these postings, I too have had my life drastically changed from mycotoxins. It has been 10 years and I am still dealing with this debilitating medical condition. It does affect the brain and cause a host of mental issues.Hyperbaric treatments are good for the brain but like most of the treatments for mold, they are not covered by insurance. There are many blogs on Facebook that help people dealing with mold toxicity. Check them out. Dr. Neil Nathan has a number of books that may help you get better. Good luck and prayers to you for a full recovery.,,

Sometimes, you want to write, but you can't think up any ideas. You could either just sit there, staring at a blank page, or you could find a few ideas to help you get started. Even better if the list of ideas is curated from our best plot ideas over the last decade that we've been publishing lessons, writing exercises, and prompts.

Choose one of these ideas and write a short story in one sitting (aim for 1,000 words or less!). When you're finished, share your story in the practice box below (or our latest writing contest) for feedback from the community. And if you share, please be sure to comment on a few stories by other writers.

The Curable app has helped me so much already in the short time that I have used it! I suffer with chronic pelvic pain from endometriosis. The writing exercises, guided meditations, and education on pain have helped me manage my pain in a way that I have been unable to previously. I am a psychotherapist and have been recommending this app to my clients as an adjunct to treatment with me. Highly recommend this app.

The program itself consists of a few different parts, the first of which is pain science education. Once you have a basic understanding of how your brain, your body, and your life are interacting to create this cycle of pain, we offer hundreds of unique exercises designed to help people do the real work and overcome this. Curable includes guided meditations, visualizations, CBT techniques, and expressive writing exercises, each of which has been proven in studies to reduce pain levels and improve the feeling of control over your pain.

You will learn a lot about yourself to aid in your recovery. Dr. Alicia Batson said it best, "When you recover from chronic pain, you not only get your life back, but your life was better than it ever was. Because in the recovery process you learn so much about yourself... it makes every experience you have more enjoyable"

I knew something was seriously wrong when I was outside with my two and a half year old daughter and I had a panic attack over my looks. I was so afraid that someone would see me and I hated how I looked. I was sobbing and shaking and trying to hide under my back porch while my child was crying in the swing. This was the bottom. Before this attack I had just been avoiding going outside on days where I hated my appearance. For me, it was all centered around my hair. I would stress over every piece that would fall from my head. I would wake in the morning in a cold sweat, knowing I had to wash and blow dry it. It literally controlled every aspect of my life. It was starting to affect my marriage and friendships. My family and close friends told me nothing was wrong with my hair. Their words were of no comfort. I was convinced that my hair was thinning and that it was ugly and that everyone would notice and judge me. I felt I was unlovable and of no worth. It was a horrible time. 2ff7e9595c

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